On March 6 we met as a group to discuss upcoming events. On March 13, Ben Snyder and Chelsea Holven spoke about their experience
at NCI Springbreak in Fort Dodge. We'd like to thank Jack Chase for putting our pictures in the slide show. On March 19, a
group of five went to the Blackhawks vs. Rough Riders hockey game.
During March, we started a Wednesday after school meeting where the kids can come to our house from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
to hang out. There were four kids at our first meeting.
On Easter Sunday, the youth put on a skit and helped with the service. Thank you to the Snyder family for providing the
In April there are a few things that we are planning. On April 1, the girls are going shopping and having a sleepover.
On April 3, we willl be meeting after church to discusss upcoming events including a concert in Waterloo. Money is due for
the Jaci Valesquex concert that we will be attending on April 9. April is also Fear Factor Sunday School month. Come prepared
to face some fears!
Our group raised $258.00 for World Vision. This money is being matched seven times in U.S. Grants, so it totals $1806.00.
Thank you for your donations.
Brandon & Amber Krusey
We would like to have a complete list of addresses and email addresses of our church family's college students. The deacons
would like to make contacts with our college age youth prior to the year ending. We may have most of the addresses, but please
humor us and send your young person's address to us.
It's hard to believe VBS is only 4 months away! Seems to be too early to talk about the end of summer as we barely get
started on spring, but it will be here before you know it. This year, we are pleased to try a new type of Vacation Bible School.
This evening VBS will be for the kids as well as the entire family AND communtiy! Forms were sent home with the kids
at school and forms are available at the church. We will also be at the home show!. One form is all you need for a family.
The cost is $7.00 per individual or $20.00 maximum for a family.
The theme is Jerusalem Marketplace, where people will experience the sights and sounds of Jerusalem in Jesus' time, especially
the Holy week. It is very different and I wasn't sure if the VBS Committee would "go for it". They "went for it", but didn't
want to do just for the kids, they wanted to do it for everyone in the community! What an exciting group! We've lined up simple
meals ahead of time to make it easier for community members and families to join the fun. Right now we are recruiting tribal
leaders and shopkeepers. A Tribal leader with an assistant will lead a group of up to ten people (your family or clan) through
the Jerusalem Marketplace experience! WE NEED 30 tribal leaders from our community!! Shopkeepers will share their talents
and knowledge of various crafts (weaving, musical instruments, baking, jewelry, carpentry) with apprentices (tribe members
coming around to your tent). Interested? Contact me or any of the committee members listed below. Later we will be asking
for supplies and props to use in our Bible time experence.
I am very excited about the FBS this year, and hope you already have your calendars marked for August 7,8,9. Having
YOU there will make it that much more fun!
Sharon Stoakes and the VBS committee: Diane Popelka, Kim Howard, Chris Markussen, Vicki Payne, Julie Kvidera, Vonna Watson,
Patty Calderwood, Lyla Whannel, Brenda Kaufmann, Rebecca Hosek, Lori Hoeg, Laurie Schafer, Amy Lidgett, Linda Meggers, Sarah
Waller, Jackie Snyder, Carrie Grebner, April Kucera, LuAnn Schneiders.
While you're doing your spring cleaning - keep the North Tama Activity Center in mind! They are having a garage sale on
Friday and Saturday, April 29 & 30. Items will be accepted at NTAC on April 28, or by calling Jean Vest to set up an appointment
(478 8244 or 478 2697).
The center can use all your support! NTAC has faithfully supported several other community projects by allowing them to
use their space without charge. They have, since it's beginning, offered free use of its facility and provided an office for
the Young Life mission and youth gatherings. Please remember NTAC when cleaning out your closets and storage areas.
NTAC also has an ongoing Treasure Room. Valuable secondhand items are for sale every week. The Treasure Room is open Monday,
Thursday and Saturday from 9:00am to 12:00pm and Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:00pm to 4:00PM. Stop in and cash in on
the bargains.
UPC is in charge of the annual Senior Girls' Reception and committees are busy making plans. The reception will be on Wednesday,
April 27, 7:00 pm. Senior girls and their mothers will be honored. Miss Iowa, Carolyn Nicholas of Clear Lake, will be
the featured speaker.
Tickets are $3.00 each and can be purchased at Wright Pharmacy, Boldt's Food Market in Clutier, at the Deacon's Table
and at UPC's booth at the Home Show. We have four girls graduating - Hannah Karr, Kim Kostlan, Jennie Moffitt and Sara
Speirs. Mark your calendar! This is always a nice affair and we hope as host chruch we have a good representation.
If you are interested in joining with this congregation, please make your interest known to Dick Thompson or Pastor Rick.
We will be receiving new members on April 17.